Datagri Program 2020
Datagri Channel 1
Presented by: Sandra Sutherland
Rosa Gallardo, Director of ETSIAM and Representative of the Organizing Committee Datagri 2020
Luis Planas – Minister for Agriculture
Canal Datagri 1
Digitisation, consumption, and the agri-food sector. 5 trends to design the post-COVID future:
General Director Spain and Portugal. Nielsen
Datagri Channel 1
Panel: "Humanism, ethics and technology in the digital economy"
Chairperson: Belén Delgado, Journalist EFE Agro
Francisco Hortigüela, Director de AMETIC
Marta García Aller, Journalist an author of “Lo Imprevisible”
Marta Peirano, Journalist and author of “El enemigo conoce el sistema”
Olive grove session
Presented by Juan Peñamil (Director of Mercacei magazine)
Datagri Channel 1
Olive grove 4.0:
- Chairperson: Jesús Gil – ETSIAM (UCO)
- Ricardo Arjona – EC2CE
- Vigilancia Tecnológica Innolivar. Línea 12: Arturo López Riquelme - ISR
- Emilio Camacho – Sustainable irrigation model in olive groves with reclaimed water. REUTIVAR- ETSIAM
- Manuel Martin, Project Manager - Suez Agriculture
- Miguel Córdoba - CEO GREENFIELD
Datagri Channel 1
Oil and table olive industry 4.0:
- Chairperson: Ricardo Domínguez García-Baquero (Fundación Patrimonio Comunal Olivarero)
- Vigilancia Tecnológica Innolivar. Digital twins. José Emilio Guerrero (ETSIAM)
- Automation and digitalisation of oil mills. Rafael Ayuso (Alfa Laval)
Datagri Channel 1
Marketing, commercialization, and quality of olive oil:
- Chairperson: Teresa Pérez Millán (Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva Español)
- Traceability – Blockchain Olive oil. Jesús Muñoz (Consultant at NoSoloSoftware).
- Innolivar Technological Surveillance. Line 7: Olive oil quality. Lourdes Arce (Innolivar)
- E-Commerce. José Ramón García (Izertis)
Animal Tech session
Presented by Jesús López Colmenarejo (Director of Ganadería magazine)
Datagri Channel 2
State of the art in livestock digitalization.
- Carlos Callejero. CEO Digitanimal.
Datagri Channel 2
International case study panel
- Belinda Lay. Sheep farmer at Coolindown Farms, Australia
- Ashley Mather. East Cornwall Reserve Manager
- Rongo BodaBoda - Kenyan Livestock farmer
Datagri Channel 2
Digitisation in health control and traceability
- Inés Moreno Gil. Head of Livestock Hygiene Area.
Datagri Channel 2
Panel of success stories in Spanish livestock farming
- Felipe Molina from Las Albaidas Livestock farming.
- Digital management of livestock waste. Rubén Masnou. AGROCAT.
- Pig farm management tool for integration of cooperative societies. Belen Barrero (Integraporc).
Canal Datagri 2
Technological surveillance Innolivar.
Canal Datagri 2
Vineyard session
Presented by Salvador Manjón (Director of Semana Vitivinícola magazine)
Datagri Channel 1
Success stories:
- Álvaro Gago, Bodega Cuatro Rayas.
- Jesús Gil Soto, Head of R+D+i Projects of the National Agrifood Technological Center.
- Rubén Arce Santolaya, Director of Technology. Matarromera Winery
Datagri Channel 1
Robotics, data, and machinery.
- Roberto Guzmán - Robotnik Automation.
- Javier Tardáguila, Televitis, University of La Rioja
- Gonzaga Santesteban. PILOTVID, University of Navarra
Datagri Channel 1
Analytics and artificial intelligence
- Débora Franco – Monet Viticultura
- Pau Vinyes, Commercial and Digital Excellence BASF España.
Arable crops session
Presented by Ángel Pérez (Editor-in-Chief of Agriculture Interempresas Medias)
Datagri Channel 2
Success stories:
- Jorge Martinez Guanter. PhD Digital Marketing Manager Iberia de Corteva
- Alain Goubau. COO & CFO FarmLead - Combyne
- Jesús Gerique. AGROSLAB
- Marcos Esteve, Mechanical Engineer and young farmer
Datagri Channel 2
Tools to support the farmer's decision
- Joaquín Reyes, European GNSS Agency (EGNOS and Galileo)
- Beatriz Pino. SIAR. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
- David Sánchez. FEGA. Agricultural Sustainability Tool for Nutrients (FaST)
Datagri Channel 2
Prediction & Data Systems
- Gema Ramírez (in copy), Technical Director. MAPA. Control de sequia por satélite
- Alberto Gutiérrez y David Nafría. Instituto Tecnológico agrario de Castilla y León (ITACYL). Harvest prediction in Castilla y León.
Fruits and vegetables session
Presented by Amalia del Río (Director of Mercados Magazine)
Datagri Channel 1
Success stories:
- Carlos Eduardo Flores Trelles IT CENTRAL MANAGER – Camposol (Perú)
- Marco Antonio Vaz González, Technical Responsible for R+D+I at Onubafruit SCA
- Javier López-Cepero, Dr. Ingeniero Agrónomo, Dpto. Técnico de Coplaca
Datagri Channel 1
Data, machinery, and robotics.
- Luis Rodríguez Jurado, Agroplanning.
- Gonzaga Ruiz de Gauna Gutiérrez, Manager of Biovegen (GO CITRUS)
- Álvaro Dominguez, Presidente, TEPRO
Datagri Channel 1
Analytics and artificial intelligence
- Jorge Heraud CEO Blue River Technology
- Jesús Regodón, Director I+d+i, TROPS
- Roberto Biagorri, Department of Development for Agrifood Sustainability, Fertinagro
Industry 4.0 session
Presented by Fernando Martínez (Director of Alimentaria magazine), 16:00h
Datagri Channel 2
Success stories:
- Pablo Rodrigo – CEO de Trazable.
- Fernando Vázquez. CEO Naturcode
Datagri Channel 2
Data, machinery, and robotics.
- Juan José Vázquez, Business development - Novagric
- Juan Manuel García Dujo, Director of Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity - Grupo Cerealto Siro
- Eduardo Alcalde, Head of Energy Management Projects. CIRCE Foundation
Datagri Channel 2
Analytics and artificial intelligence
- Francisco Morillas, Hispatec Track
- Javier Veglison - Hispasat
Datagri Channel 1
The near future of AgTech
Presented by César Marcos, Coordinator and head of communication for the Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture (ALAS)
Ramón Armengol, President of the European cooperatives COGECA
Datagri Channel 1
Roberto García-Torrente – Cajamar
Eduardo Martínez de Ubago – Sales and Marketing Manager, John Deere
Jochen Baumgarten. Chief Technology Officer / Vice President GLOBALG.A.P.
Pedro Mier – President AMETIC
Máximo Torero - Chief Economist of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
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